
Cinderella, The secret History of the Mongols and other Ancient texts I have perused, True story;)


Juius Caesar, The Civil War: “Two triremes had sighted the ship of Decimus Brutus, which could easily be recognized from its ensign, and bore down on it from different directions. Brutus, however had just enough forewarning to make an effort and propel his ship a little way ahead of them. The two triremes collided at speed so hard that both were severely damaged by the impact, and in fact...

If Ancient Romans had social media: Cicero, Caesar, Cato & Sulla


Cicero: Substance, integrity, honesty, consistency, bravery, their just words really, and I’m REALLY good with words so why don’t people think I have them!#AlsoIstoppedCatiline All this concern about survelliance, popular unrest, terrorisim and election stealing just pass a Sensatus Consultum Ultimum take it #fromtheguywhostoppedCatiline @Atticus Plautus and chill...

Genghis Khan the geonoicidal warlord that keeps on giving part 1: Littering makes Genghis Khan cry!……..then it makes him mad…….


Remember kids this: leads to this: ………*Ahem*: “Bows!” “Arrows!” “Swords!” “Saddles!” “Horses!” “Go Genghis!” “By your Kuriltai’s poclamation, I am Genghis Khan” Genghis Khan, he’s our hero Gonna take the population down to zero He’s our nightmares magnified And he’s committing...

Final fantasy XV ending first thoughts (without spoilers)


Recently finished Final Fantasy XV. On the whole a good game and there’s plenty yet for me to in it but I have finished the principal story and am somewhat disapointed with it. I was expecting a greater variety of locations, especially for the key missions. Venice, sorry I mean Altissia is lovely but not fully utilized (and the leviathan fight is awful both as battle and spectacle) you...

Immortals: Style never dies.


Back in 2011 I saw a movie (with freinds……yes I once had them) that came out that year called the Immortals. It was one of those films inspired very loosely by greek mythology that came out in the years following 300 (seriusly it seemed to be almost a cinematic subgenre for about 5 years) and the following are (for the most part) my thoughts immediately after viewing...

Apocalypse Ham


I’m pretty sure the following summarizes an appropriate and restrained response to the prospect of Christmas and/or boxing day lunch:
Merry belated Christmas.
PS. Ham causes the apocalypse is perhaps the most accurate and certainly the funniest summation of the plot of ponyo I can think of.

Adrianople, Amalasuntha and never letting the facts get in the way of the truth.


On the 9th of August 378AD (at least according to wiki) the East Roman emperor Valens lead an army of around 20,000 (estimates range both higher and lower according to wiki) to a crushing defeat at the hands of a Gothic force, the emperor himself dying during the battle’s course or in it’s immediate aftermath at the hands of said foe, the first ever emperor to die in battle against a...

The (new) king of Clowns.


People have been going on about Trump being a new Hitler. Really it’s not a very good comparison, some people have gone with Mussolini which is probably a better one. However there is a much more modern figure that fits the mould much better. Trump is Silvio Berlusconi……..the joke of Europe………just let that sink in for a bit……….bunga...

Was Bob(us) right?


…/right-to-kill-caesar-a-…/ Bob Carr’s reasons for why he lost the Macquarie’s was Brutus right debate a number of years ago. He talks as if the ancients had any real notion of war crimes, that Rome under Republican government was not warmongering (the Principate was far more peaceful) and as if this was a contest between autocracy and democracy not between two potential tyrants...

The end times are upon us!


  The end is nigh! Fear the uprising! Fear the Furby singularity! They’ve infiltrated the webb!     It Shits cars! Why does it shit cars!?   Am I the only one that finds the last few seconds where it asked about cat video’s to be the creepiest part of all? Mark my words the apocalypse is upon us and it will will be filled with singing furbies forcing thier human...

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