Categorycomedy/amusing things

Wake up Sheeple!


So there was a bit of a running joke (if I remember correctly)among some of my fellow ancient history undergraduates about the Roman general/dictator and all round stand up guy Lucius Cornelius Sulla being lord Voldemort…..     Honestly I just can’t see it, sure they were both violent psychos born to aristocracy but who grew up poor to eventually rise up in soceity by dint...

Cinderella, The secret History of the Mongols and other Ancient texts I have perused, True story;)


Juius Caesar, The Civil War: “Two triremes had sighted the ship of Decimus Brutus, which could easily be recognized from its ensign, and bore down on it from different directions. Brutus, however had just enough forewarning to make an effort and propel his ship a little way ahead of them. The two triremes collided at speed so hard that both were severely damaged by the impact, and in fact...

If Ancient Romans had social media: Cicero, Caesar, Cato & Sulla


Cicero: Substance, integrity, honesty, consistency, bravery, their just words really, and I’m REALLY good with words so why don’t people think I have them!#AlsoIstoppedCatiline All this concern about survelliance, popular unrest, terrorisim and election stealing just pass a Sensatus Consultum Ultimum take it #fromtheguywhostoppedCatiline @Atticus Plautus and chill...

Genghis Khan the geonoicidal warlord that keeps on giving part 1: Littering makes Genghis Khan cry!……..then it makes him mad…….


Remember kids this: leads to this: ………*Ahem*: “Bows!” “Arrows!” “Swords!” “Saddles!” “Horses!” “Go Genghis!” “By your Kuriltai’s poclamation, I am Genghis Khan” Genghis Khan, he’s our hero Gonna take the population down to zero He’s our nightmares magnified And he’s committing...

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