
Academic matters not pertaining to history or politics.



I dub this invective my Anti-Antony and not my Phillipics for the following reasons: Not everyone would get the reference It’s a little presumptous I Actually think Phillip II of Macedon was pretty awesome It’s more in keeping with my pro-Lepidus its alliterative! Friends, Romans, spambots I come to burn Antony not to praise him for the good an overhypped, self-promoting arse did or...

That other Tribunician assasination:The death of Livius Drusus and the fall of the Republic.


The blogging at long last tentatively resumes………..long thought Livius Drusus (ancestor of THAT Livia) got unfairly overshadowed by the perhaps overhyped Grachii in the assasinated tribune sweepstakes and it’s not like the masters of Rome series could bias me here, that’d be ridiculous………. I would hereby like to float the idea that the most important...

Triumvirate versus dictatorship: Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Assasination and the outlet factor


Sup peeps, How’s it hanging? Today I’m here to talk to you about why Julius Caesar was assasinated and Augustus Caesar was not, well we all know that the straw men audience in my head scoff in their hypothetical hubris: it’s because Augustus Caesar cloaked his power like a sneaky fox but Julius paraded it like a pompous fool, no wonder they knifed him! Well while I have no...

Cinderella, The secret History of the Mongols and other Ancient texts I have perused, True story;)


Juius Caesar, The Civil War: “Two triremes had sighted the ship of Decimus Brutus, which could easily be recognized from its ensign, and bore down on it from different directions. Brutus, however had just enough forewarning to make an effort and propel his ship a little way ahead of them. The two triremes collided at speed so hard that both were severely damaged by the impact, and in fact...

Undergraduate Capstone Thesis: Roman politics, literary archetypes and perceptions of Publius Licinius Crassus son of Marcus Crassus the triumvir


Capstone thesis (very slightly revised….I added some full stops, I’m sure any of you who’ve read much of this blog will appreciate the importance of that….): Roman politics, literary archetypes and perceptions of Publius Licinius Crassus son of Marcus Crassus the triumvir So Yeah, this was an essay I submitted for a compulsary unit of my major for my Bachelors degree where...



I dub this rant/series of related musings my pro-lepidus, it’s my third best pro piece……the one everyone forgets……. So……..Marcus Aemilius Lepidus the triumvir I’ve thought for quite a while now that he gets a bad rap as he’s usually portrayed as the guy who’s just thier to make up the numbers (I mean otherwise you get I diumvirate and...

newsflash: states aren’t people


Read an article a while back that referred to states having “natural life cycles” yes all political institutions have a beginning, middle and end and I’m sure there’s an average length of time for a state to exist but then when dealing with any finite duration there is always a begining, middle and end but this talk of life cycles or natural cycles usually implies some...

Sulla’s shadow: The proscriptions and the defining of a generation


Madame Guilotine Hi all, I’ve kinda been thinking lately about how so many that mattered in the generation of senators who replaced the initial cabal of senior statesman dominant in Roman politics upon Sulla’s death (eg. Catulus, Hortensius, Lucullus etc) regardless of faction had a Sullan defiance story. Pompey, Cicero, Caesar and Cato all had such a story. Sort of like the...

The adventures of Invincitoe and other amusing Ancient source soundbites


Hello all, in the interests of laziness this is a longer list of funny ancient quotations with commentary composed of the stuff that wasn’t Alexander the Great related, to explain context efficiently (for me not for you, heavens forbid that) I just slightly edited the intro from my Alexander the Great amusing quotations list to serve as this one’s intro. Hello All, I realize I...

Terry Jones is a barbarian part I: A new rant


Reg: But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, viticulture, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? PFJ Member: Brought peace? Reg: Oh, peace? SHUT UP! – Monty Pythons life of Brian (as if you needed me to tell you that). Terry Jones is not a historian, he’s a very naughty (and smug) propagandist...

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